Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Completed Hotel Charlotte Harbor Mural to be dedicated May 19

It's finished and the scaffling will come down tomorrow fully revealing the newest Punta Gorda mural, a recreation of the old Hotel Charlotte Harbor Mural that was destroyed in Hurricane Charley.

Then you will clearly see the frontage of  the old Hotel that burnt down in 1959 and seven of its famous guests (from the top left) : Clarence Darrow, Daniel “Uncle Dan” Beard, Patty Berg, Harvey Firestone, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and Andrew Mellon.

On May 19 at 4:30 p.m. the Punta Gorda Historic Mural Society will have a dedication of the recreated mural near its new location on the southwest facing wall of the Charlevoi Condominiums. The Charlevoi Condos are located immediately East of the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center.

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