Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Love Our Tropical Storms -- Awesome Skies

Punta Gorda skies over the past weeks have been that blue that's bluer than blue..... cerulean blue with only the occasional intruding cloud on the canvas.   Concurrent with these blue skies was the driest October on record.  Since we are dependent upon the rain to support our lush landscapes, I wasn't unhappy today to see these magnificent dark clouds roll in.

This summer was essentially hurricane free, and while most Punta Gordans who have lived here through one major hurricane don't look forward to them, full-time Floridians realize that the milder version of these storms bring the rains that sustain our tropical environment through the dry winter months.  

1 comment:

  1. These were the same skies I saw when this cold front came through. Pretty neat!


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Freedom Swim

Hey it's the Fourth of July in Punta Gorda Let's All Jump in the River

Hey it's Punta Gorda on the 4th of July -- and what do Punta Gordans do -- jump in the river?  Or not. Or maybe float across.  Or...