Monday, August 13, 2012

Vote Informed Tomorrow in a Critically Important Election for Charlotte County

Tomorrow  is a very important day to Charlotte County -- it is your last chance to vote in a very important election. 

I won't get into why it happens this way, but many of our County Officials are elected by the primary not the general election in November.   And this particular primary will determine who will fill a great many of our governmental seats. It will determine, for example,  who our County Sheriff will be... one of the most important positions in the County.. and will almost certainly determine who will hold at least two of our Commissioner positions (even though because these elections were artificially closed only the County's Republicans can vote for them). The next County Property Appraiser, the County Clerk, the Tax Collector, the Supervisor of Elections  and more officials will likely be the persons who win this primary.  In addition, Democrats and Republicans will decide on their candidates to run in the general election for Senator and House Representative.

 Many people don't know the importance of this election.  Primaries have typically small turnouts because they are thought to be the election that determines who will run.  Not so in this case, in many races it will determines who will govern.   

Needless to say,  it is important you vote.  It is equally important that you know who you are voting for.  Don't just read the campaign literature -- remember who wrote it.  Google the person, find out what they have done in their past, what their qualifications are for the position, know who they are before you cast your vote -- many before you have fought for you to have the right to fill in that ballot.

Our Primary Election is tomorrow. Voting is held at precincts throughout the County between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. You can find your polling location, information about candidates at

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