Saturday, December 11, 2010

Some Highlights from Winter Wonderland Ending Tonight at the History Park in Punta Gorda

It was actually "cold" (for Florida)  the night I went to see Winter Wonderland at the History Park.  So much so that when the fabricated snow starting fluttering as I walked under the blue lit canopy leading to the recently opened Price House, I thought for a flash of a moment -- hey it snowing -- but for real.  The ladies and gentlemen who were guiding visitors through the absolutely beautiful exhibit were bundled up for the unseasonable weather -- I really felt sorry for them -- for despite the lovely attraction,  few people with their thin Florida blood were willing to come out that night. It gave me a bit of advantage as I had more time to view the exhibit and talk to our local historians.

The guides at the decorated houses all of whom were extremely knowledgable not only provided insights into the houses themselves but very intriguing tidbits about Punta Gorda history. I'll save much of this forfuture blogs, other than noting that walking through the Price house was a journey on a path back to a time that should never be lost.  Thanks to these wonderful people who keep these homes alive you can experience it.  The work they did to make the park and the historical homes within it reflect Punta Gorda Christmas past speaks for itself in this brief slideshow I created.    But if at all possible, if you haven't already, see this tonight.

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